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Awkward :)
Tuesday 9 October 2012 | 14:01 | ♥ 0 purple love

On the upcoming ‘rookie artist’ special of MBC Every1‘s ‘Weekly Idol‘, INFINITE‘s Hoya andSunggyu became hosts for the show with Jung Hyung Don and Defconn sitting in as guests as a rookie musical duo along with another duo Tasty.
Labelmates Tasty and the INFINITE members showed off great team work as they cooperated as guests and hosts. However, Hoya, who showed a knack for hosting, hilariously put Sunggyu on the spot as he shared, “To be honest, Tasty said that among the INFINITE members, they feel the most awkward with Sunggyu.”
Hearing this, Jung Hyung Don didn’t miss his chance to further tease Sunggyu, as he added, “Does Sunggyu act all high and mighty?”. Being newcomers to variety, Tasty is said to have been nervous about how to respond and caused laughter to break out with their answer.
Hear what Tasty had to say on this week’s episode airing on October 10th at 6 PM KST
Sekian lama...
Thursday 4 October 2012 | 22:12 | ♥ 0 purple love

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera :D Huwarghhhh ! Td baru je nak buat blog baru , last2 *Tuppp* bleh bkak blk blog lama ni >,,,< Alhamdulillah !!!!!! Yelah , mana taknya ! Kalau blog ni takleh bkk kira aku dah ada 6 blog -.- Tak ke-Tamak tu ?! Huhuhu ~ Tp hari ni aku tak boleh nk share pape sebab aku kena siapkan hw .. InsyaAllah , esok aku akan try post seberapa banyak story yg aku ada ! Dah hampir sebulan lebih aku tak update ni ^^ Confurm banyak idea kan ?! Hahaha ~ Okeylah , Assalamualaikum ! Selamat malam :)
INFINITE to release 3D movie this September + Trailer
Sunday 19 August 2012 | 00:19 | ♥ 0 purple love
We reported a few weeks ago that boy group INFINITE will be releasing a 3D movie of their ‘Second Invasion‘ concert, which took place on April 1st this year.
It has been announced that the movie, ‘INFINITE Concert Second Invasion Evolution The Movie 3D‘, will open in theaters on September 6th!
The 3D movie will feature the ‘Second Invasion’ encore concert, filmed with over 30 cameras to help complete the project. The encore concert was opened in April due to the success of INFINITE’s original concert, held this past February, which sold out in just 10 minutes.
Fans can look forward to a high-quality, high-definition movie that will accentuate all of the great qualities the boys have to offer, especially their extremely synchronized choreography and lovely ballad pieces. The movie will also include the individual solo performances that the members prepared for the concert, all in 3D.
Another new addition to the movie that was revealed is a special performance of their song ‘Shot‘, as well as the individual ‘auditions’ the boys went through to prepare their solo performances and many other behind-the-scene clips from the concert!

S . P . Y
| 00:19 | ♥ 0 purple love

[ Super Junior’s Siwon and Eunhyuk are bodyguards for BoA backstage ‘Music Bank’ ]

On August 17th, BoA showed her support for Super Junior‘s ‘S.P.Y.‘ by sharing a new selca taken with members Siwon and Eunhyuk.
Playfully posing as her bodyguards, BoA is seen posing confidently and leisurely beside the two members while writing, “I love S.P.Y.! You guys worked hard today as well.”
Eunhyuk responded with adorable jealousy to the picture by writing, “How could you dance with another man right in front of my eyes”, in reference to BoA performing with EXO-K‘s Sehun on the August 17th performance of “Only One” on ‘Music Bank‘.
The two had performed as a couple a week prior on ‘Inkigayo‘, making Eunhyuk’s jealousy all the more cute to netizens who commented, “How adorable”, “BoA’s so popular”, and “Your couple dance was amazing!”
Source & Image: BoA’s Official Twitter
Kenangan di Bulan Ramadhan
Thursday 16 August 2012 | 23:36 | ♥ 0 purple love
Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera  Subahanallah ~ Tak lama lagi dah nak raya  .. Cepat btol msa berlalu  .. Alhamdulillah  Terima kasih Ya Allah sebab Engkau beri aku peluang untuk merasai Ramadhan pada tahun ini .. Terima kasih juga atas rezeki dan nikmat yang Engkau berikan kepada kami sekeluarga .."Abah , walaupun Abah dah takde dekat sisi kitorang , tp Nor thu kalau Abah sentiasa perhatikan kami sekeluarga .. Abah , salam Ramadhan Nor ucapkan   " .. Hmm ~ Now dah start cuti sekolah ..

Semalam aku , Anis , Farah dgn Wawa hangout sesama  .. Kitorang pergilah jenjalan dekat Kenanga then Time Square .. Time kat Kenanga tu aku ingat nak pergi cari 'Tudung Sarung" untuk mak aku tp tgk-tgk takde pun kedai yang jual .. Ada memanglah ada , tp nampak mcm mahal sgt .. So , kitorang decide pergi TS .. Tp hujan lebat pula kat luar tu .. Nasib baik ada Teksi .. Act , Farah dgn Wawa ajak main 'Bowling' .. Lagipun mak Wawa bg duit lebih .. Sebab tu yang dia dgn Farah nak pergi main Bowling .. Aku dgn Anis 'On' jelah .. Sampai je sana , terus gerak pergi tempat main Bowling .. Boleh tahan ramai juga orang yangada hari tu .. Lepas bayar , kitorang terus pergik kat Lane 10 .. Oh yeah ~ GAME START ! Kitorang main 3 game .. Aku yg dah sekian lama tak main Bowling memang 'LOW' gila hari tu ..

 Aku asyik last je .. Cara pegang bola pun lupa  Hoho ~ Sambil-sambil main tu sempat lah selca sesama .. Masa first dgn second game tu semangat bukan kemain lagi .. Macam orang tak puasa pun ada  .. Men-DAJAL sana-sini .. HAHA ~ Wawa paling teruk kena *maafkan saya * .. Tp bila dah smpai game ketiga , semua dah tkde mood .. Terasa penat semacam *kekeke* .. Habis je game , ktorang gerak pergi shopping !! Oh yeah ~ New LED watch  Aw .. aw .. aw .. Jam EXO ! Sama mcm Anis .. Mula-mula , ingatkan nk beli Infinite punya tp bila fikir balik 'barang Infinite dah banyak' .. 

So,beli jam Exo jelah yg warna hitam .. Berbaloi lah RM30 tu .. Lain kali nak beli baju pula   And tak lupa jgak tudung (mak) dgn jam (adik) .. Alhamdulillah , jumpa jgak akhirnya .. Tudung sarung hitam untuk mak and jam tangan warna purple untuk adik .. Semuanya dah dibeli .. Semalam kitorang berempat berbuka puasa bersama .. Walaupun mula-mulanya ada halangan , tp alhamdulillah semuanya OKEY .. Kesian aku tgk Anis bila dia tgh resah .. Haihhhh~ Lepas dapat kebenaran dr parents masing-masing kitorang terus pergi Food court .. Dah nak berbuka lah katakan .. Akhirnya , setelah sekian lama mengidam Anis dapat juga makan Bulgogi semalam  .. Moments yang paling best ialah apabila berjumpa dengan 'Luhan`s Malaysia'  .. 

OMG ! Handsomenya ~ Mata dia .. Awww ~ HAHA ! HOOOOOOOOT sangat   Kitorang berempat menggila kat depan kaunter sementara tunggu Luhan pack kan makanan kitorang .. Aigoo , happy-nya .. HAHA ~ Farah dgn Wawa nak makan KFC tp tempat penuh plak .. So , kitorang decide pergi makan dekat Food court je .. Tp tak nampak Luhan   *tsk tsk tsk* sedihnya .. HAHA ~ *gilo * .. 

Masa tgh pilih tempat duduk tu aku nampak lah Ridhwan , Izzuddin , Ereene , Ajusshi and sorang lg kwn dorang .. Meja dorang berhadapan dengan meja kitorang .. Nak tegur tp rasa segan plak .. Aku sempat senyum dekat Ridhwan je .. *seriously segan * HAHA ~
Farah dgn Wawa pergi beli makanan dkt kedai Pastri yg depan KFC tu .. Amboi ~ Pasta , Kek Aiskrim dgn Aiskrim Chocolate -.- .. Akhirnya , azan berkumandang di Televisyen yang tak berapa nak betul tu ..
Alhamdulillah :') Lega tekak bila air mineral mengalir dekat kerongkong .. Bulgogi masih terasa hangat itu menaikkan selera kami :D Awmm~ Lepas makan , kitorang pergi jenjalan sekejap and kitorang keluar dr TS dalam jam 8 lbih kalau tak silap .. Masa dalam tren tu , MasyaAllah *geleng kepala  * .. Kami menggila bagai nak rak .. Orang lain senyap je .. Tp , kitorang .. Alahaiiii ~ HAHA ! Mama Anis tunggu kitorang dekat Axis  .. Terima kasih lah sebab dah hantar kitorang  Walauapapun , aku rasa gembira sangat sebab dpt spend time dgn kawan-kawan yg aku sayangi ni .. Gomawo 

-The End-

* Muka dh down >,< *

* I love you alls *

* annyeong ~ paipai ^^ *


Miss Pinju Diary ♥

Hey there! Welcome to my Purple Love Bloggie Annyeonghaseyo ! My name is Kamaliah Kamal . You can call me Hyunmin , Eomma or other as long as I can accept it Don't be rude here ! Or I will Killed you ..Hehehe~ Just kidding !

Song | Hyun | Min

Say 'Ho' ♥

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